

A thread lift is a type of procedure that aims at activating the cell itself to produce new collagen and elastin, like the one we used to have at a younger age, using the body’s autologous restoration mechanisms. The materials we work with are 100% bio-absorbable and they have been used for decades in vascular and non-vascular surgery. They are also in full compliance with the EU Safety Standards (CE).


During the procedure, invisible fine threads are placed in the skin building up a supportive grid which lifts the tissues of the face and body. It does not replace surgery, but it is an excellent alternative for people with mild or more severe cases of sagging skin, who are not willing to have surgery.  

The treatment can target the entire face (forehead, glabella, crow’s feet, bags under the eyes, cheeks, jawline). It has also spectacular results in treating the skin under the chin, marionette lines, and especially the neck. Body areas where the treatment can be performed are the chest, buttocks (for a butt lift), arms, thighs, abdomen, and generally where the patient experiences sagging skin.

Scientific studies have shown that immediately after treatment, the body begins to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The new collagen fibers have now a triple-helix structural conformation, as they should have, rather than the broken and damaged fibers of an aging skin. The result is immediately visible. This new collagen conformation, namely the new support of the skin, means skin tightening and the evident result is lifting.

. And while thread lifts generally produce noticeable results almost immediately (20-30%), the skin will gradually improve within the next three to six months. The effects usually last 12-18 months. It should be pointed out that the treatment is completed in just one session, all year round.

Among its main benefits is that the treatment is well-tolerated for patients, who may resume their normal lifestyle immediately after. Following treatment, you may experience some light bruising which will subside within a few days with the use of an Arnica cream. For even better results, the treatment is enhanced with growth factors such as PDGF, TGF, VEFG, IGF with amino acids such as proline and lysine. For optimum aesthetic results,

Thread Lift can be teamed with other treatments, such as IPL, PRP, RF, FRACTIONAL, MICRONEEDLING, PEELINGS as they add a further regenerative boost to the production of collagen, while the results are visible sooner and they last longer.


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