

Cellulite (or hydro-lipodystrophia) is a very common aesthetic problem. It is reported that about 90 percent of women will have cellulite at some point in their lives, as it doesn't only afflict the full-figured but is also a scourge of the skinny, not to mention girls and teenagers

Risk factors for developing cellulite may include factors that change the body’s hormonal chemistry, such as birth control pills (oral contraceptives), pregnancy, genetics, nutrition, lack of exercise, or smoking.


Cellulite occurs due to localized fat deposits and fluid retention, which result in the inflammation of the affected areas and lead to the characteristic "orange peel" changes in the appearance of the skin. Cellulite generally appears in areas that have poor circulation (blood and lymphatic flow), as the nutrient and oxygen supply is reduced in these regions and the tissues lose their elasticity.

Mesotherapy is a non-invasive injection therapy with spectacular results. The treatment involves injecting a cocktail of perfectly safe, harmless natural extracts, such as caffeine, carnitine, organic silicon, and artichoke. Pain is minimal due to the very fine needles used and there are no side effects except for just some bruising at the site of injection. Results are clearly visible, sometimes even from the very first session. The treatment cycle is completed in 4-6 sessions once a week, always depending on the extent of the problem.

Results are clearly visible, sometimes even from the very first session. The treatment cycle is completed in 4-6 sessions once a week, always depending on the extent of the problem.

It can be perfectly combined with Cavitation RF (KUMA SHAPE), as well as with Carboxytheraphy (Venusian).


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