As science evolves through new media and technology, our life becomes better and we can enjoy the state-of-the-art developments. PLEXR is an innovative development in aesthetic medicine and rejuvenating treatments, by utilizing PLASMA technology.

Excess sagging skin on the face can cause problems in the body’s function or make the face look tired all the time.




The facial areas that are mostly affected over time are the ones around the eyes, the wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”)), the area around the mouth and especially the fine wrinkles caused by smoking and the deep wrinkles on the forehead that do not smoothen with DYSPORT H or BOTOX.

The area around the eyes is one of the most sensitive zones and gets easily affected over time. Until recently, surgical blepharoplasty (eyelid correction) was the only way to deal with sagging skin on upper and lower eyelids. As any surgery, however, it may have several complications, such as hemorrhage (bleeding), bruising, ectropion (lower eyelid turning outwards), lagophthalmos (inability to close the eyelids completely), anesthesia, incisions, stitches, surgery, pain.

Nowadays, there are non-surgical, effective alternatives to surgical procedures for the removal of the excess skin, without scalpels, incisions or stitches, and without the stress, discomfort or possible dangers of a traditional surgical blepharoplasty. One of these non-surgical treatments is PLEXR, which uses PLASMA technology.

Plasma is the fourth state of matter. So far, solid, liquid and gas have been known to exist. Plasma is a small lightning (electric, electrostatic charges) that ionizes the gas particles in the air between its tip and the skin. This way, sublimation of the surface tissue fluids and sublimation of the epidermis (keratinocytes) is conducted that results in tissue retraction and tightening. The creation of plasma spot and the sublimation of the keratinocytes do not affect the basement membrane, nor do they cause any scars or asymmetry.

The positive effects of treatment will be evident immediately after the first treatment by both the doctor and the patient. The elastic fibers of the skin decrease and change the tissue thickness, thus resulting in a completely bloodless lifting without surgery. It is applied in the eyelid area, periocular wrinkles, neck, décolleté and other face areas.

The procedure is non-invasive, it is performed in our clinic under local anesthesia with a topical numbing cream, and it is completed within 20-30 minutes. Because of its non-invasive character it only requires 2-3 sessions to achieve the final result, depending on the extent of the problem. The result is comparable to the one seen with traditional blepharoplasty or any other surgical procedure used in dealing with excess skin and wrinkle fading.

After the treatment is completed, the result can be seen almost at once by the patient, who can return to work or any other activities on the same day. No special medication or precautions have to be taken. The difference between PLEXR and traditional blepharoplasty is that when PLEXR is performed, besides the gradual improvement of skin sagging, there is the option of correcting small imperfections on the face (very fine and small wrinkles), thus achieving a perfect result without any of the complications that can arise before and after surgery.

In addition to treating eyelid and under-eye sagging, PLEXR technique is already used in removal of scars, xanthelasma (yellow plaques near the eyelid), stretch marks, lax skin, active acne, acne scars and skin elastosis. This new non-invasive blepharoplasty technique challenges even the most reluctant patient to dare to try it.


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